Hog Apple Tree

Local Name: Pokok Mengkudu

Scientific Name:  Morinda citrifolia

Family:  Rubiaceae

Origin/Habitat: This plant can be easily found in tropical area

Details: Hog apple tree is included under perennial plant which can reach up to 15-20 feet high. The trunk can be easily been cut after it dries and is usually applied as firewood or fuel. The leaves is 15-50 x 5-17 cm in size and it is singular in shape. The young buds, which are rich in vitamin A, are commonly cooked or can be eaten as raw vegetable. The flower is small, fragranted and white in colour. The flowers of the hog apple tree are hermaphrodite. The tree’s fruit is called noni, which is oval and is as big as chicken’s egg with gnarled and uneven the surface. Young noni fruits are green in colour and will change to yellow when it gets more matured and ripe.

Medicinal Uses: In Malaysia, hog apples are commonly used to o treat menstrual cramps, bowel irregularities, diabetes, liver diseases, and urinary tract infections. The leaves are usually used as bath mixture for women after maternity to regain health and for body cell recovery.

Breeding: Seeds

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